Thursday, August 6, 2009

You and me will all go down in history

History, something we all learn in school, and we are all taught the "facts" of what happened. While these may be actual facts, we must always remember that 'History is Written by the Victor'. This would mean that most history is written rather biasly, the writers people being heroes and the enemies, basically spawns of satan. Thankfully many people in power have diaries, or at least that is what most of history would imply. Let me use my over-used example of Hitler, the first thing we learn about him is his evils. "But that's what he's famous for" many people say, but didn't he also bring Germany back from the edge of destruction, basically save an entire country, and then lead the people by using his incredible public speaking ability? Or does that not mean as much because of the atrocities he did? We do learn about his good deeds eventually, but already the initial impact and the thoughts that come flooding at the hearing of his name. Those sort of things cannot be changed, because you only get one first impression. If any of you reading this ever become famous, it will not matter what type of person you were, just what you did, that's how the world will remember you, through your actions. 

Just a bit of a short post tonight, and I apologise, but that post was a long time coming, and I needed it to get out there in the blogosphere. Farewell all of you readers, how ever many there may be of you.

"We try to grab pieces of our lives as they speed past us. Photographs freeze those pieces and help us remember how we were. We don't know these lost people but if you look around, you'll find someone just like them. "

Gene McSweeney, Grey Water Photography, June, 4th,2006

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