Saturday, August 22, 2009

I Think I'll Blow My Brains Against The Ceiling

Hello all, i return to continue my little posts about the blogs that are around me. Todays topic is deceased blogs. The death of a blog is never an easy thing to watch, some remain oblivious to the end and then just stop, others get bored and just kill it for shiggles, but the most fun to watch are those who realise that the blog is dying and make it go out in style, namely NSR. So without further space filling with needless text here are a list of blogs that have died while RAM has been alive, and some that died well before.

Awsumo Extreme
Well this was my introduction to blogging and was where a part of "The Great Blog War" between myself and Sean Madden, who was mentioned along side his blog Tpop last post. It was a fairly terrible blog with most of the posts just ripping into someone or something, and then the last post was one i did on my birthday, and i reviewed "Resistance: Fall of Man". Overall not a great blog, but for some reason it got an astronomical amount of views, which i never fully understood, most likely bots though. It's fairly terrabad but HERE is the link if you wanted it.

Out of all the blogs that I have witnessed die, this has to take the cake as the coolest. Nathan got bored and started to plot and scheme, noone noticed of course because it's Nathan, he's good at this. So cogs started to turn, people got angry, there was a lack of posts. Everything started to fall into place. Whether he was the starter of the anger and the lack of posts, is still unclear, but all that definatley helped. So then the blog started to get "static" as it was based around as if it was a radio station. The posts had many hyphens in uneeded places, indicating at static. The colour drained from the blog, literally, and we all said our goodbyes. Well my goodbye was a rise-up against the facist government style post, shame Nathan took away our voices (the cbox) and the uprising failed before it could begin. Every other blogger (DJ) said their goodbyes and quietly left, knowing that what they had was amazing, and that there would forever be a large hole in their blogosphere. Most of the DJ's left blogging for good, others like myself and Sean had other blogs to return to. Many a blog came and went after that, and since them Nathan himself has left blogging for good. The blog is still there as a stark reminder of the past, HERE is the link.

The Manwhores Guide
A perfect example of a great idea but sadly this blog has 4 posts and thats all we've ever heard from the guys who did it. Sean was apart of it and he struggles to post regularly (no offence meant) on Tpop so evidently he cannot post on two blogs. This blog had great potential and I am a little saddened by the fact it went nowhere so quickly. HERE is the link, I dont advise clicking on it, you'll only want more.

Instant Blue
Nathan really couldnt leave blogging after NSR could he? No, he couldnt. There was an irresistable force pulling at him to continue blogging, yes he continued for a month or so after NSR to post on this new fandangled Instant Blue. It was short lived but otherwise a very good blog. Why he quit is still a bit of a mystery, perhaps he grew tired, or perhaps he had nothing more to say, so he went on his way. HERE is the link the top post is his "Goodbye to Blogging" post.

Ahh yes, my blogs after NSR, before I came back to RAM of course. They are listed together because they literally are the same blog. To put it otherwise, JToL morphed into TCoL. So it was still alive, just not there. JToL started out fairly well, but slowly descended into faggotry, the likes of which almost started another "Great Blog War" one that I perhaps could not win this time. I saw the inevitable to JToL morphed, into TCoL. TCoL stands for "The Construction of Light" which is a King Crimson song. It summed up what I was trying to do, which was revive NSR. So I got back into character, grabbed Nathan and Telfer, and we were off and running. It lasted maybe a month or so, perhaps less. It was a vain attempt to establish what NSR had been and I even donned on my old Alter-Ego, DJ JWoL. The whole thing didn't last, we were at each others throats, myself and Nathan, Telfer had left long ago. I ended the whole saga with DJ JWoL commiting suicide and "Wonderful World" started to play. It remains as a reminder to never again try to re-enact NSR, the link is HERE.

The Nathan Variety Blog
No prizes for guessing who this blog belongs to. Or more, it did belong to him. He has long since abandoned it. It was just generally Nathan telling epic tales of whatnot and etcetera. It's hard to describe it, but it was an amazing blog and well worth a read. HERE is the link.

Well that wraps it up for the blogs that have come crashing around me, do tell if I have missed any because these are the only ones I could think of. So for now, that is all.


"When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion." 

C. P. Snow (1905 - 1980)

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