Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fall on your Tongue like Pixie Dust

I've come to realise that although the internet is endless or very very large, my group of blogs that I frequently go on, is rather small. It consists of roughly 3 people and here they are, with a lil about their respective blogs, I just thought i'd bring you into my world a little more.

Sean Madden
His blog has been going on for the longest out of all the blogs I know, it has it's ups and downs and I have been mentioned more than twice, often for good but more than likely for bad. He blogs about a broad range of things, it's all his opinion too, so the quality of the posts of his can vary wildly, from sheer genius to just general bitchyness. But overall just a generally amazing blog. He has also never left, he has had droughts of posts, but always he has come back to it. (worst grammer ever) HERE is the link.

Brooke Steedman
A newcomer to blogging she burst onto the scene, possibly and most likely when she got sick of me telling her how i blog alot, so I guess she just came onto it for shiggles. Her posts are varied and are generally about her life in general. I often get a mention normally about how amazing i am at jumping/using the phone. Her posts are often good, and I can honestly say I enjoy them, not everyone does though. HERE is the link.

Amy Colla
Amy, her twin is my biffle, and she's pretty cool herself. Her blog is one of those hip jive fashion style ones with lots of pics and lots and lots and lots of followers. It's easily the most popular of the blogs I follow, which just goes to show being a tad generic can get you friends. Its a fairly cool blog and I do recommened it to anyone interested in fashion. HERE is the link.

Triffin Livanas
A greek man of greek decent, his blog is incredible. He was fairly new in comparison to Sean and myself, but everything he posts is rather amazing. He has a great music taste and if he ever recommends you anything, just do it. He blogs about anything and everything, marvellous posts alround. HERE is the link.

Well there you have it, a bunch of my real life friends, and their virtual blogs. There are a few missing people but they have left blogging, most likely for good. Times are changing and they are leaving us fast, we try to grab moments by these blogs and immortalising them, if I can recommend anything from this post is to check out two of my closest friends oldest blogs. HERE and THERE and  EVERYWHERE.That wraps it all up for tonight I suppose, perhaps another post about a place in my mind later, or maybe not.

"We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other peoples' models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open."

Shakti Gawain

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