Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You changed the channel then you changed our minds

The media controls mostly what we hear and see from places afar this much should be obvious to anyone who doesn't spend there time sticking 6 inche nails into their heads whenever possible. This works mostly and worked especially through World War One and Two where nearly everyone was told that everyone under Hitlers command was tottally and purely evil much like he is made out to be. While the general public assumed that every nazi would slit your throat and steal your baby to later rape it in some sort of satanic ritual. The soldiers that fought on the front line knew that this was bullshit take one of my friends grandfather for example. He started out in the Estonian National Guard when World War Two started. That was then merged into the Soviet Union Army (Also called the Red Army), then his battallion was taken over by the Germans. The men instantly started to get on with the same people they had been shooting at a few hours earlier. Strange how finding thing out for yourself is normally better. This only highlights what should be plainly obvious to all that the media basically controls everything we here and see on TV. Short post tonight I know but I really couldn't think of much else to write about.

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