Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life is your Glory

An underlying fact about humans is that against all odds we will find ways to survive and keep going most of the time with sheer willpower alone. This may seem like a small thing to post about but think about it why do we do this? Is it because we believe that we have something worth living for or is it a more self centred aproach that we believe that the world truly would be a better place with us in it. Another human, another human using a car, using electricity and slowly killing themsleves with the choices they make, but hey they donate to charity occaisionally and use solar powered water heating so evidently they are truly doing the world a great deal of good. This post is not meant to think that the world would be better off without you it perhaps wouldn't but the world would would be better without a large amount of people unnamed and not remembered. Back to the original idea, humans , whether it is some sort of over inflated sence of righteousness or just something simpler like love. To quote someone i think love brings us together and tears us apart, it is the best and worst emotions the best because it brings happiness to all regardless of their situation and worst because when it fails all hell breaks loose within yourself. Suddenly I fell so very angsty so I think i'll stay away from love in this post from now on. The ability to survive is not of course limited to humans all creatures on this earth want to survive whether they fully understand it or not. There reason for survival seems to be just to breed and protect their offspring until their offspring can survive for themselves and then repeat the process. Perhaps that is our basic underlying reason for surviving or wanting to survive whether we know it or not.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You changed the channel then you changed our minds

The media controls mostly what we hear and see from places afar this much should be obvious to anyone who doesn't spend there time sticking 6 inche nails into their heads whenever possible. This works mostly and worked especially through World War One and Two where nearly everyone was told that everyone under Hitlers command was tottally and purely evil much like he is made out to be. While the general public assumed that every nazi would slit your throat and steal your baby to later rape it in some sort of satanic ritual. The soldiers that fought on the front line knew that this was bullshit take one of my friends grandfather for example. He started out in the Estonian National Guard when World War Two started. That was then merged into the Soviet Union Army (Also called the Red Army), then his battallion was taken over by the Germans. The men instantly started to get on with the same people they had been shooting at a few hours earlier. Strange how finding thing out for yourself is normally better. This only highlights what should be plainly obvious to all that the media basically controls everything we here and see on TV. Short post tonight I know but I really couldn't think of much else to write about.

If we fall, then we all fall, and we fall alone

The human psyche is a strange one. Nearly all other animals will never think to abandon friends or families at the sign of danger yet we as humans are quick to do so. I believe that this is our strength but also our greatest weakness. This every man for himself attitude to life can help if say the person you are abandoning knows that they are going to die and for you to stay would be pointless. Yet we abandon each other at the slightest possibility of danger. The reason behind this is that we are scared. Yes we are scared, of death perhaps , or perhaps what comes after. This can cause us to live maybe longer but eventually we will be alone and we all die at some point. I say that death should not direct our actions if death calls for you you should embrace it willingly but is this just another escape. An escape from the chaotic world that we are born into. Some people believe that there is an afterlife that is the light at the end of the dark tunnel that is our world.I propose that there is nothing. The reason behind this is that I believe that we cannot accept death no matter how much we say we do. We are born into this world and slowly gain full control of our actions we see what we want to and do as we wish. Therefore I believe that we cannot fathom ourselves being nothing with none of those things. Another reason I believe is behind the afterlife belief is that humans are rather self centred and we do not like to believe that this is it, that after we die in 60 years or so we will be but a vague memory to those left, if we are that even. The point is that we all die and we run from this all our lives but we cannot run forever.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sexism And You

Hello All me again although this is MY blog so if someone else was posting it could be a bit of a worry. Now as the title of this post suggests, this post is about sexism.... and you. Now to start off , white males have ruled the world for quite some time (when I say rule the world I mean rule the important parts of it). What I just typed is probobly sexist but the thing is, it's also true. Now with this being the case women seem to have this aura around them , that you can't hurt them, you can't offend them and god only know what will happen to you if you're a male and you inconvinience them in any way.  These unwritten laws are of course made up by women, so I propose that the women who made up those laws are themselves being sexist in the way that they are saying that women need special laws about them that men seem to have but no one actually takes notice of. Now this may seem a bit rash to start out with as my second post with hardly any following to speak of but really I just want to put my thoughts out there. Ok so my sexism rant (well a very short rant with only one good point in it but a rant nonetheless) is over and done with now to you the reader. If ever you may provoke sexism whether it's purposeful or not pull out my comeback and see how the female declaring sexism responds. Thankyou all and Goodnight. 

Monday, January 26, 2009

First Post

Ok so here I am and there you are, out there in the big wide world if your there at all. This blog is now joining the millions of others that are clogging up our internet, or would be if that was even possible which it might be. First a little about me Screen Name is Kinroth I'm not particularly sure why but I think I named my neopet that then the name sort of stuck. I'm not saying my real name or where im from not that it matters anyway because the amount of people with the same name as you is most of the time rather a staggering amount. Well now that the introduction is out of the way this can pave the way for the next posts which are generally going to be me going on about things in life that don't make a hell of a lot of sense. Also i hope to blog at least once a week.