Monday, November 16, 2009

For A Minute There I Lost Myself

*drum noises*


Lack of posting I know but I really don't want to turn into that guy from that xkcd comic, you know the one. So onto, something. I watched Zombieland today. In short it's a comedy zombie movie in the same sort of style as 'Shaun of the Dead'. Think of it sort of like 'Left For Dead' but in movie form except without the special zombies, and a black guy. A big part of the story is a list of rules that the main character has made for surviving the zombie apocalypse, it's implied that he has been living with these rules long before the apocalypse actually happened. The list includes such things as keeping fit (Rule #1 Cardio) to beating anyone who is a zombie regardless of who they were before (Rule #22 Be Ruthless). The whole film follows the main character and the people he meets as he makes his way east where civilization is said to be. In short the movie is fucking amazing, funny, action-y and it has one of the most unexpected cameos, ever.
The zombies in this movie aren't like many of the usuals (eg. slow shuffling yet taking heaps of damage, or fast and weak) nor do they have any super powers. They are merely humans with a lust for blood and no sense of pain. There is also once or twice the mention of "Zombie Kill of the Week" which is the best kill of a single zombie of that week, this is one of the best things ever, and I hope when the Zombie Apocalypse happens we all have some sort of way to vote for the zombie kill of the week.
To finally wrap up, it's a great Film and I recommend it for a few laughs and an overall quite good zombie flick.



I can't get away
From all your friends 
I'm not coming back,
That's all there is.

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