Monday, April 20, 2009

Am I too lost to be saved... Am I too lost?

Christianity, being one of the biggest and most powerful religions as a whole, is one of the best self help programs, but it also contains the worst thing in existence. I am talking about God, Jehovah, Yaweh or even just Ywh, whatever you  name it, it is still the move vile, cruel and vain thing ever recorded.  The story goes that, God made the heavens and the earth and on this earth he created humans. For a while they lived happily for God had one rule, don't eat the fruit from a certain tree. An innocent request, but his reasons could not have been darker, this fruit when eaten would give the person knowledge. One of the humans ended up eating the fruit and realised that they were naked and tried to hide their nakedness. God then threw them out of paradise on earth, this was our fall from grace, from which we never really recovered. It never ceases to amaze me that God seems to only set humans up for a later fall. Think about it, God knows all past, present and future then why would he put the Fruit Tree in Paradise anyway, if only to watch us fall and make up completley dependant on him.

Any human with a conscience must realise how vain and cruel that is. He creates us just so that we can do wrong and be forever in his debt. Now think, if a human did anything of that sort, we would call him the most sick, vile and degenerate human alive, so isn't God sick, wretched and degenerate? "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord" Isiah 55-58, this quote is thrown aorund by many christians in defence of their odious God.I am thankful that my ways are not the same as God, because this merely means I will never create an entire universe to worship me. Aeons pass and our one saviour from the fallen angel known by many names the earliest, thought to be Ba‘al ZebĂ»b. This is Satan, an ex-angel shall we call him, who for reasons unknown to humans other than that he defied God, was thrown out of Heaven. Now this post is not trying to sypmathise with the devil but all we have is God's word that the Devil acted against him.

So back to the point. Many years after the fall from grace of Man, God sends his only son to the world so that he could die for our sin. Do you see where God gets us? He creates sin so that we can't get into Heaven by any other way than worshipping him, then he sends his son to die so that our sin is washed away merely by grace alone. But we cannot be washed of sin unless we accept God into our lives and love him eternally, God fails to understand that just because you have a gift, does not mean you have to be recognised for it, many Humans in this world do amazing things that are never recognised, so why can God not grasp that concept?

1 comment:

  1. Always wondered that... if Christ supposedly died for our sins why do we need to recognize him for our sins to be washed clean? how does that mean we can receive his "gift" of forgiveness only if we worship him. If a soldier dies fighting for the US, I may never know his sacrifice for me, but I do not have to believe in him to feel its effects, why must it be that way with God?
