Saturday, January 9, 2010

Something Truly Worthy of Being Shared With the Internet


Long Time no see/blog/read/you know exactly what I mean. There has been a reason for this lack of blogging here on el blogosphereo, it is the fact that  I have had nothing good to say. So needless to say I  had been on Facebook and a little bit of twitter posting my nothingness there, much like most of the inhabitants of these social networking sites. This had been carrying on for much too much, it was not fair. But like the others I was oblivious to my boringness and kept it up anyway. But then quite recently my eyes were opened by a friend of mine showing me a video. From the site Newgrounds


That is the Video

It really highlights how boring all of our posts and updates of facebook and twitter are.

From Now on On My Twitter and on my Facebook I shall only be posting things truly worthy of being shared on the Internet. Things that will break peoples minds. This is not merely a brag that I will be doing this, you the reader can also do this. Don't just post "Oh my good golly cunting fuckers it's hot today" post something about how you've just destroyed the Graalak of Forlon 12 and the resulting explosion caused this heatwave.

Or not, it doesn't really effect me at all.


He whistles and he runs so hold him fast
Breathe the burn, you want to let it last
He might succumb to what you haven't seen
He has a keen eye for what you used to be

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