Sunday, June 20, 2010
I have it all here, In Red, Blue, Green.
Well here I am to go on about something or other for a bit then leave you all a little confused.
First off the mark is, I've been sick recently and it's pretty shit, not gonna lie, although I don't know why I would. I've been at home a lot praying that im better before holidays because been there done that with sick during holidays, in fact, it was this time last year that I was sick.
For a whole week.
Moving on over, while I've been sick I have had some time to play a recent game I invested in, inFamous, in short you are some guy who can now shoot lightning out of everywhere. It's badass, I'm not finished with it though and it's getting more badass as it goes on.
Onto a more unrelated note, formal, THAT was Saturday night and I had fun, the food may have been a bit shit, but I was wearing a suit and spent a long time on my hair, so all in all a good night. But one thing that's bothering me is the lack of outdoor spaces that all Barker formals have had so far, what if i 'wanted some air' where the fuck would I go, c'mon barker get your game face on.
Slightly related is the departure of the aforementioned girl that I have been digging recently. She has left to a North-Western European country more commonly known as Latvia. 99.99% sure she knows that I'm digging her thanks to a tactful shout out by her ex, cheers Jono. I haven't actually talked to her since her departure except for a short wall-post on facebook, which she completely ignored, awesome.
There's not a lot else going on right now, holidays are coming up, going to spend a lot of the time not at home so don't expect any posts, not like you did anyway. Also the my good friend triffin has started an intermittent Strokes Concert Countdown, everynow and then he tells the people going how far off it is, currently it's about 37 days away, fuck yes.
Well that's all for now I hope this has been alright and I'll see you all later.
The universe works on a math equation
That never even ever really even ends in the end
And infinity spirals out creation
We're on the tip of its tongue, and it is saying
We ain't sure where you stand
You ain't machines and you ain't land
And the plants and the animals, they are land,
And the plants and the animals eat each other
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Circling the Edge, of the Neverending.
Ok first off, disregard anything I've ever said about posting in some sort of timeline, or something like that. It just doesn't work, like at all.
Second off, I just want you all to mosey on over to "I Get By" which has spring into life intermittently, but he only posts when he has something good to say, so don't expect consistency in timing of his posts.
HERE is the link!
Ok so now recently I've been feeling a little, reminiscent the reasons being;
For one, I'm blogging again.
I like a girl that probably looks at me in the same way she looks at a gay man.
My music taste is encompassing old faves.
Friends of mine are blogging.
There are probably other reasons but I can't really remember them right now.
Also I say you should play this.
It's a little repetitive but i had a lot of fun, key note. Get the Ion cannons in the end.
OK, this was to be honest just a little filler post, I just like blogging I guess.
In ending.
Thank christ it's friday.
We quit the room
Quit so our thoughts could rest
Rest them, I'll never move?
That's when we grab a hold
Of whatever it is we fell into...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The One Thing You Taught Me About Human Beings Is This.....
Good Evening All.
I have returned to post in what I should hope to be a Sunday Fortnightly routine. We'll just have to wait and see.
So, enough blogging about blogging, we're all very sick of that. Onto business.
As I have been gone a while there is a fair few things to business about.
Firstly and most importantly I am seeing The Strokes live.
Yeah, the concert isn't for a while though, but still. I am very happy/excited to see them live.
Ok moving on.
Once again I urge you to read the bitch continues, it's pretty darn fantastic, just don't take it too seriously.
So matters of some importance I guess. The formal is coming up, this means for you the reader(s) that you can enjoy a fair bit of bitching and maybe even some worrying about who/what you're going to take to the formal. This has always been a matter of oddity for me, if you're not actually into the person you're taking to the formal, is there really any point. Like all it would do would anchor you down because you may have a feeling that you are only allowed to hang with them the whole time and depending on who you go with, this most likely isn't the best of things. Like seriously, can any of you genuinely say that going to the formal with someone who will be there anyway is actually different to not going 'with' them. Like sure if the person you take wouldn't normally be going to the formal, but if you invite someone from our grade,our school who wanted to go anyway. What's the point?
Onto a slightly related note. Someone has caught my eye, as in there is currently a female I am "digging" a lady as several of my good friends would put it. She does not go to my place of schooling and as such it is often difficult to get a hold of her. We relay text messages a fair bit. But all forms of neutral sentences aside, I am doubtful as always and wonder if I should even make a move of sorts. Probably no, just to play it safe. As always, Predictable Me.
Angstyness aside.
I'm really fucking Tired.
That Is All.
Make Us Depressed
Or Just Sad
Make Us Happy
Or Something....
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Such A Lonely Day...
There is a reason for the high amounts if intense-ness going on here.
I did nothing this weekend.
That's all I've Got.
But, I did learn some good things on this weekend, and here they are.
The First Franz Ferdinand album = Sex
I have replaced stupid people ordering things at where I work, with pretentious arseholes. Unsure if this is a good thing.
3D glasses without lenses are actual beneficial for your eyesight.
God of War 3 is a ridiculous game, in all senses of the word.
I have run out of things to put into this list.
Well that's pretty much it.
Oh and one last thing. Torrent roulette doesn't work when it's Lady GaGa - Fame Monster
Just No.
This fire is out of control
We're gonna burn this city
Burn this city
This fire is out of control
We're going burn it
Monday, March 15, 2010
What's That Coming Over The Hill? Is It A Monster?
I have been involved in trolling at points in my life. But I no longer am.
Shocking, I know.
Ok so now we're all shocked and whatnot.
Yes expectant mothers, and weak hearters. It is now safe to read again.
Alright so onto the main point. The art of trolling dying/ is already dead. Now with social networking it's way too easy to just go
"LOL FAG!!111!"
and away you go.
There isn't any more troll videos or elaborate set ups, sure the outcome would be the same, but still. Elaboration, unnecessary elaboration is fantastic.
In Other News, front man for the Strokes, Julian Casablancas is doing a tour very soon, he is going to be backed by The Last Dinosaurs. This= Bad Ass.
Also, while we're on the topic, The Strokes may or may not be Touring later this year, they also may or may not realease an album around this time. Get your hopes up, but not too high.
And on this note, I leave you all with a reasonably short post, but hell, at least I posted again.
Convexed you bend, twist and shout
Twist and shout, and shout
Stand up, brush off, get moving
Get moving, get moving
Friday, March 5, 2010
Just Let Me Burn
Look, readers.
I'm going to be brutally honest with you, the reason that this blog does this every now and then. That is jerks to life in some sort of "hey, remember that blogging thing?!, it's totally the next broadcasting information thing, everyone's voice will be heard, I'll get my bit on the action early!". It's all a lie, we missed the great era of blogs. Social networking is the thing now, and we've pretty much destroyed that, the way we post all our nonsensical crap every day letting everyone we know, know every little bit about our pointless lives. WE ARE TEENAGERS. Not much is actually going on that isn't at school, that's why when a piece of info that comes in from outside of school becomes widely known, we guard it like some sort of secret, that info is ours, and if you're not in the know, then you're nobody. Are we really so bad? Yes, we are. Even now this whole thing is pretentious bullshit, but you know what? It's what goes on in my head, so yeah, we are all bad. Hell, I doubt if many will read this much any more seeing as that's just not what's going on. We're all bad people, some are just better at hiding it. People will read that and think "What a pretentious asshole, he can't generalise all of humanity like that". Yes I can.
Well that's that vent gone, I'm glad we can all move on, and before we all forget what I wrote.
I meant every word.
So to take a leaf out of a blog of a friend of mine. I recommend you read it, fantastic stuff.
As I was saying, to take a leaf out of that blog, i will post a bit about girlfriends and the like in the life that goes on around me. Now I don't claim to be an expert, but when it comes to relationships, they are either fucked beyond all reason yet still standing, or very well rounded couples who actually help each other. Or not at all, but most of the time. Now I currently have a situation going on, there is this girl, who me and her may have once had 'something' or other because it ended on my birthday and she then proceeded to say that we weren't ever really going out, she also didn't say happy birthday. Before you cry bitch, myself and this girl are now good friends. So it's all good. Or so it may seem, see i really don't know, maybe i still like her, after all she is gorgeous but some days i think of her more like a sister than a potential girlfriend. In short, shit is fucked, but no one knows because it's all in my head. So yeah.
In other news, the so called 'protest' against the Internet clean-feed for Australia has turned into a picnic in Hyde Park. That's how to stick it to the authorities, by inviting them to an enjoyable time in the sunny park, it's going to rain. The whole Internet clean-feed will be a massive bomb out anyway, there are so many ways to get around it, and to block those ways would need some sort of law making proxies illegal. Look the point is, the glory days of the Internet are dying, the first torrenter, has been arrested. I don't mean a website, i mean a single man who torrented too much, has been arrested. Dark days are ahead.
Well on that note, I leave you all wondering if i'll post again.
To sing when you hurt
To sing when you cry
To sing when you live
To sing when you die
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I Promise Not to Commit Any Acts of Violence, Physical or Otherwise
I entered the throne room of the Tyrant King of The Viking Demon-Slayers of the North content with the fact that the two guards were now missing most, if not all of their major organs. As I entered the Tyrant King looked up from devouring his grilled dragon ribs. He looked up and yelled some Norwegian gibberish at me. Evidently the doors behind me did not find this to be gibberish as they closed soon after he yelled this. The King then proceeded to throw his table aside, get up and take an axe the size of myself off the wall behind me. He yelled again in his crazy language which he seemed to be quite fond of and then charged at me, axe ready to swing at me. I dodged then rolled, stood up, unsheathed my sword then said "Come get me you Cock-Burgling Ham-Doctor".
I feigned right, he dodged left, nicking and scratching each other here and there, no serious wounds. He held his axe high and swung it down at me, I dodged backwards, not fast enough, it cut clean through my black suit jacket and shirt/tie combination. "Bitch!", I cried "I liked that shirt/tie combination!", he merely snarled back at me, I began to doubt whether he could understand what I said, which was annoying as I did like the insult I gave him. We fought more still nicking each other causing minor cuts mainly on our hands and lower arms. But then, I was fooled. He raised his axe as if to swing down so swiftly stepped back, he swings down then halfway through turns his axe the wrong way. He looks at me grinning like a mad man on cocaine, sweat dripping from his beard which became sideburns, he was a man's man alright. That being said, he was a man's man that I wanted dead, or at least incapable of any physical movement. He then lunges with the end of the axe, missing it's target but still going clean through suit pants and right leg. I collapsed instantly.
The King picked me up by the scruff of my broken collar. Laughing maniacally, we stared into each others eyes, there was almost a sense of respect between us, two manly men, running from a dark past with a taste for dragons. He spoke more of his crazy mouth-words, and prepared to kill me with his axe, as he rose it above his head, i pulled out my .600 Taurus Raging Bull. I put it too his lower jaw screamed "Contemporise Bitch!" and fired.
He dropped me and then he fell back, presumably dead. I dragged my self over to him and remembering Rule #2 fired another shot, right betwixt his eyes. The Tyrant King of the Viking Demon-Slayers of the North was dead. I looked down at the hole in my leg "Shit" i thought out loud, "that's going to need some bionic transplant" the blood was running down my leg. Crimson Pouring From My Leg-Hole.
I began to think, is this the same colour that everyone is seeing. Do we all see colours the same? It's an old question I knew that. A knew thought came into my head, there is no way to possibly ever tell if we see things differently. This is because we are all told the names of the colours regardless of what we see. Someone may see my blood as the colour I call purple, but they would still call it red because of what they were taught at school. It is the names we give them that make this question so impossible. And we can never be certain, this makes it worse. Strange thoughts begun in my head, what if no one sees the same colours in the entire world? I may be the only one seeing these colours come from my leg, hell even the King might've seen it differently. I then realised that it would be exaclty like contrasting colours on the computer, or just changing them with paint. It then dawned on me that it doesn't really matter in the end, and that as long as we are seeing colours we are seeing this world, maybe not how it is, but our site is not hindered.
I then remembered I was in the Throne Room of a dead King of the Viking Demon-Slayers of the North.
Cracked eggs, dead birds
Scream as they fight for life
I can feel death can see it's beady eyes
All these things into fruition
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again and fade out again.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Something Truly Worthy of Being Shared With the Internet
Long Time no see/blog/read/you know exactly what I mean. There has been a reason for this lack of blogging here on el blogosphereo, it is the fact that I have had nothing good to say. So needless to say I had been on Facebook and a little bit of twitter posting my nothingness there, much like most of the inhabitants of these social networking sites. This had been carrying on for much too much, it was not fair. But like the others I was oblivious to my boringness and kept it up anyway. But then quite recently my eyes were opened by a friend of mine showing me a video. From the site Newgrounds
That is the Video
It really highlights how boring all of our posts and updates of facebook and twitter are.
From Now on On My Twitter and on my Facebook I shall only be posting things truly worthy of being shared on the Internet. Things that will break peoples minds. This is not merely a brag that I will be doing this, you the reader can also do this. Don't just post "Oh my good golly cunting fuckers it's hot today" post something about how you've just destroyed the Graalak of Forlon 12 and the resulting explosion caused this heatwave.
Or not, it doesn't really effect me at all.
He whistles and he runs so hold him fast
Breathe the burn, you want to let it last
He might succumb to what you haven't seen
He has a keen eye for what you used to be