Friday, July 31, 2009

Why does the darker one seem so bright?

Good and Evil, Light and Dark. Are these concepts actually opposites of each other?, or merely different ways of looking at the same thing. See, think about the old dillema, a man steals bread, but it's to feed his starving family, they would surely die if he does not steal food. Is it evil to have stolen the food, or is it good that he's still supplying for his family even when the odds are stacked against him? Is it, in this case, the motive or the action that would define whether it's good or evil. Saying that, we find another dilemma, often people will place themselves in a higher position to others and not see the problems of other people, instantly labelling the action based on first judgement, never caring for the reason. These people are often the bane of people that work on the vague side of Good and Evil, but enough on them. The whole concept of Good and Evil, Light and Dark, Right and Wrong, you get the picture, this whole convept is flawed because it doesn't take into account people's perspectives and reasons for the action. This has lead me to believe that the world isn't Black and White as many people think, with good opposing evil, but just different shades of grey. The world isn't an evil place or a good place, but both ends of the spectrum can be found anywhere, you just need to know where to look.

I'm sorry they didn't tell you about the world

Lo, and Behold I actually have returned, after a long drought of posts due to many other distractions Repeat After Me is getting more posts injected into it. The numurous distractions have infact been other blogs which you can see all about on my profile page, there is one that won't be there though and that is NSR. It really it just a bit of a husk these days, but when it was active it was a shining beacon in the dark days. With bad blogs everywhere, it just raised the standard for everyone. It's a short post for now, but I have plenty more ready to roll. Repeat After Me shall live again.