Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have it all here, In Red, Blue, Green.

Afternoon All.
Well here I am to go on about something or other for a bit then leave you all a little confused.
First off the mark is, I've been sick recently and it's pretty shit, not gonna lie, although I don't know why I would. I've been at home a lot praying that im better before holidays because been there done that with sick during holidays, in fact, it was this time last year that I was sick.

For a whole week.

Moving on over, while I've been sick I have had some time to play a recent game I invested in, inFamous, in short you are some guy who can now shoot lightning out of everywhere. It's badass, I'm not finished with it though and it's getting more badass as it goes on.

Onto a more unrelated note, formal, THAT was Saturday night and I had fun, the food may have been a bit shit, but I was wearing a suit and spent a long time on my hair, so all in all a good night. But one thing that's bothering me is the lack of outdoor spaces that all Barker formals have had so far, what if i 'wanted some air' where the fuck would I go, c'mon barker get your game face on.

Slightly related is the departure of the aforementioned girl that I have been digging recently. She has left to a North-Western European country more commonly known as Latvia. 99.99% sure she knows that I'm digging her thanks to a tactful shout out by her ex, cheers Jono. I haven't actually talked to her since her departure except for a short wall-post on facebook, which she completely ignored, awesome.

There's not a lot else going on right now, holidays are coming up, going to spend a lot of the time not at home so don't expect any posts, not like you did anyway. Also the my good friend triffin has started an intermittent Strokes Concert Countdown, everynow and then he tells the people going how far off it is, currently it's about 37 days away, fuck yes.

Well that's all for now I hope this has been alright and I'll see you all later.
The universe works on a math equation
 That never even ever really even ends in the end
And infinity spirals out creation
We're on the tip of its tongue, and it is saying
We ain't sure where you stand
You ain't machines and you ain't land
And the plants and the animals, they are land,
And the plants and the animals eat each other