Saturday, August 22, 2009

I Think I'll Blow My Brains Against The Ceiling

Hello all, i return to continue my little posts about the blogs that are around me. Todays topic is deceased blogs. The death of a blog is never an easy thing to watch, some remain oblivious to the end and then just stop, others get bored and just kill it for shiggles, but the most fun to watch are those who realise that the blog is dying and make it go out in style, namely NSR. So without further space filling with needless text here are a list of blogs that have died while RAM has been alive, and some that died well before.

Awsumo Extreme
Well this was my introduction to blogging and was where a part of "The Great Blog War" between myself and Sean Madden, who was mentioned along side his blog Tpop last post. It was a fairly terrible blog with most of the posts just ripping into someone or something, and then the last post was one i did on my birthday, and i reviewed "Resistance: Fall of Man". Overall not a great blog, but for some reason it got an astronomical amount of views, which i never fully understood, most likely bots though. It's fairly terrabad but HERE is the link if you wanted it.

Out of all the blogs that I have witnessed die, this has to take the cake as the coolest. Nathan got bored and started to plot and scheme, noone noticed of course because it's Nathan, he's good at this. So cogs started to turn, people got angry, there was a lack of posts. Everything started to fall into place. Whether he was the starter of the anger and the lack of posts, is still unclear, but all that definatley helped. So then the blog started to get "static" as it was based around as if it was a radio station. The posts had many hyphens in uneeded places, indicating at static. The colour drained from the blog, literally, and we all said our goodbyes. Well my goodbye was a rise-up against the facist government style post, shame Nathan took away our voices (the cbox) and the uprising failed before it could begin. Every other blogger (DJ) said their goodbyes and quietly left, knowing that what they had was amazing, and that there would forever be a large hole in their blogosphere. Most of the DJ's left blogging for good, others like myself and Sean had other blogs to return to. Many a blog came and went after that, and since them Nathan himself has left blogging for good. The blog is still there as a stark reminder of the past, HERE is the link.

The Manwhores Guide
A perfect example of a great idea but sadly this blog has 4 posts and thats all we've ever heard from the guys who did it. Sean was apart of it and he struggles to post regularly (no offence meant) on Tpop so evidently he cannot post on two blogs. This blog had great potential and I am a little saddened by the fact it went nowhere so quickly. HERE is the link, I dont advise clicking on it, you'll only want more.

Instant Blue
Nathan really couldnt leave blogging after NSR could he? No, he couldnt. There was an irresistable force pulling at him to continue blogging, yes he continued for a month or so after NSR to post on this new fandangled Instant Blue. It was short lived but otherwise a very good blog. Why he quit is still a bit of a mystery, perhaps he grew tired, or perhaps he had nothing more to say, so he went on his way. HERE is the link the top post is his "Goodbye to Blogging" post.

Ahh yes, my blogs after NSR, before I came back to RAM of course. They are listed together because they literally are the same blog. To put it otherwise, JToL morphed into TCoL. So it was still alive, just not there. JToL started out fairly well, but slowly descended into faggotry, the likes of which almost started another "Great Blog War" one that I perhaps could not win this time. I saw the inevitable to JToL morphed, into TCoL. TCoL stands for "The Construction of Light" which is a King Crimson song. It summed up what I was trying to do, which was revive NSR. So I got back into character, grabbed Nathan and Telfer, and we were off and running. It lasted maybe a month or so, perhaps less. It was a vain attempt to establish what NSR had been and I even donned on my old Alter-Ego, DJ JWoL. The whole thing didn't last, we were at each others throats, myself and Nathan, Telfer had left long ago. I ended the whole saga with DJ JWoL commiting suicide and "Wonderful World" started to play. It remains as a reminder to never again try to re-enact NSR, the link is HERE.

The Nathan Variety Blog
No prizes for guessing who this blog belongs to. Or more, it did belong to him. He has long since abandoned it. It was just generally Nathan telling epic tales of whatnot and etcetera. It's hard to describe it, but it was an amazing blog and well worth a read. HERE is the link.

Well that wraps it up for the blogs that have come crashing around me, do tell if I have missed any because these are the only ones I could think of. So for now, that is all.


"When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion." 

C. P. Snow (1905 - 1980)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fall on your Tongue like Pixie Dust

I've come to realise that although the internet is endless or very very large, my group of blogs that I frequently go on, is rather small. It consists of roughly 3 people and here they are, with a lil about their respective blogs, I just thought i'd bring you into my world a little more.

Sean Madden
His blog has been going on for the longest out of all the blogs I know, it has it's ups and downs and I have been mentioned more than twice, often for good but more than likely for bad. He blogs about a broad range of things, it's all his opinion too, so the quality of the posts of his can vary wildly, from sheer genius to just general bitchyness. But overall just a generally amazing blog. He has also never left, he has had droughts of posts, but always he has come back to it. (worst grammer ever) HERE is the link.

Brooke Steedman
A newcomer to blogging she burst onto the scene, possibly and most likely when she got sick of me telling her how i blog alot, so I guess she just came onto it for shiggles. Her posts are varied and are generally about her life in general. I often get a mention normally about how amazing i am at jumping/using the phone. Her posts are often good, and I can honestly say I enjoy them, not everyone does though. HERE is the link.

Amy Colla
Amy, her twin is my biffle, and she's pretty cool herself. Her blog is one of those hip jive fashion style ones with lots of pics and lots and lots and lots of followers. It's easily the most popular of the blogs I follow, which just goes to show being a tad generic can get you friends. Its a fairly cool blog and I do recommened it to anyone interested in fashion. HERE is the link.

Triffin Livanas
A greek man of greek decent, his blog is incredible. He was fairly new in comparison to Sean and myself, but everything he posts is rather amazing. He has a great music taste and if he ever recommends you anything, just do it. He blogs about anything and everything, marvellous posts alround. HERE is the link.

Well there you have it, a bunch of my real life friends, and their virtual blogs. There are a few missing people but they have left blogging, most likely for good. Times are changing and they are leaving us fast, we try to grab moments by these blogs and immortalising them, if I can recommend anything from this post is to check out two of my closest friends oldest blogs. HERE and THERE and  EVERYWHERE.That wraps it all up for tonight I suppose, perhaps another post about a place in my mind later, or maybe not.

"We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other peoples' models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open."

Shakti Gawain

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chaotic Organizations Of Man

Hello All, it's been a short while, but I assure you this blog hasn't died.

Well I've done this before but I really would like to share my day with you all, it was a little like "Ferris Buellers Day Off" except without the car, and the whole day off, but it did end with my running through backyards and whatnot to get home before my parents. Which by the way, I was successful at.

Well my day started like any other with me waking up to the sweet sweet tunes of JJJ and whatever they happened to be playing at that time. I do believe it was Remember Me-Tame Impala, it's a fairly good song, I do recommend it. Well I got in my mothers car to go to the orthodontist and arrived there, it's not very interesting but my teeth still hurt. I then was dropped at Meadowbank station and was let to make my own way home.

Whilst I was at Meadowbank Station a man who was blind came up and asked for $5, i figured it was more than likely he was trying just to scam money but i thought what the hey, i've got nothing to lose, it's not my money.I purposely missed the first train and then, caught another one that would take me to hornsby, via central. Now to anyone that knows the Northern Line well, that's a hell of a train ride. At Meadowbank Station i got myself a bottle of mother, which was new and I didnt know about.

On my way to central a man, who i can only assume had some sort of mental disablility started to talk to me about his drug problem and how it's getting tough for him to buy because of the global financial crisis, i listened and acted like cared, i think that was the right thing to do.

I got off at Central Station to go to the toilet, where i broke my bottle of mother. I left it in the bathroom for all to see. I then went back up to the platform, number 17. I called Brooke because I was bored, she also has a blog go visit it, click HERE.

So then i got back on a train, which went to hornsby and sat by myself and that was the most boring train ride ever. I read MX and yeah, that's it. Oh and it was yesterdays MX.

So i then arrived at school at 12:20pm during assembly i tell a teacher who signed my note explaining my absence, I guess so i couldnt use it again. I then re-joined class with no books or anything just sorta zoned out from pain and the thought of meeting up with friends after school, I did exactly that. On my way home i was bored so I ran through backyards and gardens and such, I felt very Ferris Bueller-esque shame there was no music/ crusty old dean chasing me.

Well that there was my day.  If you can Check out 'Humbug' the newest Album from 'The Arctic Monkeys' it comes out on Friday. 

So Now i must say goodbye for now. Goodbye

"The power of hiding ourselves from one another is mercifully given, for men are wild beasts, and would devour one another but for this protection. "

Henry Ward Beecher (1813 - 1887), "Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit", 1887

Thursday, August 13, 2009

We should never be afraid to die

Evening all you 6 or so readers.

Here I am, keeping up a stream of posts on the newly restarted RAM, and yet Death comes a-knockin' on my cbox ( I would say door there, but that would just be silly). Do you all want this blog to die? I mean honestly, what's with the trend of killing blogs anyway, or more the trend of wanting blogs to die. It all started with NSR which died spectacularly, then Nathan's Instant Blue had him have a goodbye to blogging post, and then on TCoL he left which he blamed me for. I then ended TCoL with my alter-ego (DJ Jwol) commiting suicide while "Wonderful World" played on the radio. Well just following the rule of "3 times is a trend", that there is a trend my friends. And I shall do everything in my power to not have this blog die, which i am rather famous for. A thought strikes me as I write this, "this could be the most ironic 'goodbye post' ever" but no that's lame. Ok moving on from my lil' rant.

New Muse songs have been released and they are fairly good, but it's the unreleased songs that I am excited about, heres the track listing for their new album, which by the way is called "The Resistance"

1"Uprising" – 5:06
2"Resistance" – 5:46
3"Undisclosed Desires" – 3:56
4"United States of Eurasia/Collateral Damage" – 5:47
5"Guiding Light" – 4:13
6"Unnatural Selection" – 6:54
7"MK Ultra" – 4:06
8"I Belong to You/Mon Cœur S'ouvre à ta Voix" – 5:21
9"Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)" – 4:18
10"Exogenesis: Symphony Part II (Cross Pollination)" – 3:56
11"Exogenesis: Symphony Part III (Redemption)" – 4:37

It's those last three songs that I'm very desperate to hear, epic songs are epic, but a song so epic that it requires to be on three separate songs, now that's epic. In other music news Bloc Party released a new song called "One More Chance", It's a very good song and I cannot wait for their new album to come out. An odd thing about Bloc party is that each album sounds different, which is a thing few bands are able to do as well as them. Also every member is gay, not that it makes a difference, just some trivia.

Well I guess I'm gonna wrap this post up for now, so to all you readers, I've lost count these days, goodnight and keep safe.

"Sane and intelligent human beings are like all other human beings, and carefully and cautiously and diligently conceal their private real opinions from the world and give out fictitious ones in their stead for general consumption. "

Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), Mark Twain In Eruption

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Erase the Silence

Morning All, I'm back again with a bit of a blog post.

Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of tech in our world today? If so, have you ever then stopped to think that it's nigh impossible to be away from all of this, these days. I have often wondered what life would be like if one just so happened to isolate oneself from every single form of technology in existance. I know it's hypocritical this being posted on a blog and all but if you do but one thing I ever ask you, just think, "what would life be like if we never pushed technology further?". Perhaps a simpler place, the world would be much bigger (not literally, I'm merely referring to globalisation, and how that wouldn't happen). Things certainly would be different. Well that was fairly unoriginal but It doesn't really matter does it?

Now for perhaps some lyrics, just for old times sake really.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sat in the café by the cracker factory
We were practicing our magic trick
And my thoughts got rude
As you talked and chewed
On the last of your pick and mix
Said your mistaken if you thinking that I am gun' go cold before
As you bit into your strawberry lace,
And then a flip in your attention in the form of a gobstopper,
Is all you have left and all is going to waste

Your past times
Consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I love that little game you had called
Crying Lightning
And how you like to aggravate the ice cream man on rainy afternoons

The next time that I caught my own reflection
It was on it's way to meet you
Thinking of excuses to postpone
You never look like yourself from the side
But your profile did not hide,
The fact you knew I was approaching your throne.

With folded arms you occupy the bench like toothache
Saw them, puff your chest out like you never lost a war
And though I try so not to suffer the indignity of a reaction
There was no cracks to grasp, no gaps to claw

And your past times
Consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game you had called
Crying Lightning
And how you like to aggravate the icky man on rainy afternoons
But not have as impossible as everyone assumes
You are Crying Lightning

Your past times
Consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game you had called
Crying Lightning
Crying Lightning
Crying Lightning
Crying Lightning
Your past times
Consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game you had called

Ahh good ol' Thrak

That, is the new song from the Arctic Monkeys called "Crying Lightning" from their upcoming album "Humbug", do check them out, I have every released album so if you would like to check them, you need only to ask.

Well I must be off, as Bob Dylan put it "the hour's gettin' late hey!" so for now, have a good one all you crazy cats, just for me....

"I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. "

Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

You and me will all go down in history

History, something we all learn in school, and we are all taught the "facts" of what happened. While these may be actual facts, we must always remember that 'History is Written by the Victor'. This would mean that most history is written rather biasly, the writers people being heroes and the enemies, basically spawns of satan. Thankfully many people in power have diaries, or at least that is what most of history would imply. Let me use my over-used example of Hitler, the first thing we learn about him is his evils. "But that's what he's famous for" many people say, but didn't he also bring Germany back from the edge of destruction, basically save an entire country, and then lead the people by using his incredible public speaking ability? Or does that not mean as much because of the atrocities he did? We do learn about his good deeds eventually, but already the initial impact and the thoughts that come flooding at the hearing of his name. Those sort of things cannot be changed, because you only get one first impression. If any of you reading this ever become famous, it will not matter what type of person you were, just what you did, that's how the world will remember you, through your actions. 

Just a bit of a short post tonight, and I apologise, but that post was a long time coming, and I needed it to get out there in the blogosphere. Farewell all of you readers, how ever many there may be of you.

"We try to grab pieces of our lives as they speed past us. Photographs freeze those pieces and help us remember how we were. We don't know these lost people but if you look around, you'll find someone just like them. "

Gene McSweeney, Grey Water Photography, June, 4th,2006

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bring the Dark Disaster

Title irrellevant, I just like that song, and especially those lyrics. I promise only to tell you how hard it is to post once in this post (and there we go).Tonight I think I'll just give you some pictures of a very fun thing to do, which I will fully explain later. These three are my only ones I've done with the latest at the bottom

So there we have it a bunch of possible Album covers, for bands that don't exist, yay. And here's how you can do it at home!

1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... Read More”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.

There we have it, how exciting. Now I think a lot of you have already done one of those, infact I'm fairly certain I stole it off Trif, but moving on nonetheless. These series of photo's and then a copypasta'd bit of text is starting to make me wonder, "this isn't a real post", and then "what makes a real post?". Is it really, as Nathan put it:
a NEW and original subject
introduction of topic
discussion of topic
personal conclusions
should be at least 10 lines
Or is it something perhaps more than that? Perhaps those are guidlines but you still can't fill those guidelines with stuff you've just copypasta'd. I realise how close I was to having a generally un-fulfilling post, the kind I'm sort of infamous for. I saved myself, and yet now I'm blogging about the saving-ness. Well that will be the only time I intentionally blog about blogging for a while now, and expect some more original RAM style posts next time. 

So, for now, sleep tight readers, all 6-7 of you...

"You can't say that civilization don't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way. "

Will Rogers (1879 - 1935), New York Times, Dec. 23, 1929

Monday, August 3, 2009

What A Wonderful World

This blog, whilst few in posts, has been going on for some time, and because of this, I feel a little trapped. I need to break out in this blog, and do some posts about myself, and not as many in the same style as the originals, this does not mean an end to what you like about my blog, just a movement. All things must change to keep up, these days if you don't keep up you are a relic, and must be left behind. In our fast world of technology, and our attention spans getting shorter and shorter, the change made to this blog is not bowing to this world, but merely bowing to me. So this is not the beggining of the end, merely the beggining of a new leaf, a change of heart to put it in one of my friends words, and I look forward to the experiences yet to come.

So for now, I leave you, but will return with an original RAM (Repeat After Me, get it?) style post, so stay safe and stay addicted.